Survey for Social Work Students

The following is from a PhD student who is looking for other students of social work to help with her research:

Hello! I’m a PhD student at the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work, and I developed (with the help of other sexual health scholars who helped me to design these survey questions) a survey that explores if and how topics of reproductive and sexual health are discussed in social work education and practice settings, along with other questions about attitudes and beliefs regarding such topics. We are conducting this survey across the U.S. Participation is voluntary, confidential, and should take about 15 minutes. The only requirement for participation is being enrolled in a social work program, so BSW, MSW, and PhD students of social work may respond. Please let me know if you have any questions about the survey.

Thank you!
Stephanie Begun, MSW

Survey link:

#MacroSW twitter chat on #Ferguson Tonight!

Tonight, if you aren’t watching Scandal (or during the commercials) participate in a Macro Social Work chat led by the Association for Community Organization and Social Administration on #Ferguson. ACOSA released a statement on what Social Workers can do to address and challenge institutional racism in the United States, which you can read here-

The National Association of Social Workers posted this on their blog in August, 10 days after a police officer fatally shot Michael Brown urging social workers to advocate for reforms in police practices:

What do you think of the social work response to Ferguson? Are you discussing this with your colleagues, clients or community?

To follow the chat and participate follow the hashtag ‪#MacroSW tonight, 10/9 at 9pm EST. On twitter follow ACOSA at: ‪@acosaorg. Follow us on twitter at @socialworkersrj

Job: Advocacy Specialist for Reproductive Justice at WCSAP

The Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs asked us to post this job opening for an Advocacy Specialist for Reproductive Justice. Contact for more information. Full posting is here:

Hiring for a Full Time Advocacy Specialist

The Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSAP) is a statewide membership organization, based in Olympia, Washington and is committed to eliminating sexual violence and fostering social change. The mission of the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs is to unite agencies engaged in the elimination of sexual violence, through education, victim services, and social change. WCSAP provides information, training, and expertise to program and individual members who support victims, family and friends, the general public, and all those whose lives have been affected by sexual assault.